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Sunday, 20 March 2011

Thank you's....

A few thank you's today...Firstly to my pet - he has served very very well this week well done Miss is very pleased. Secondly to the young virgin skinned sub who served me today - For discresional reasons we shall name him 'Odd Socks' PMSL...first time ever visiting a mistress...awww bless - think I broke him in nicely and still eager to please so massive well done.
And lastly to Lucid for the gorgeous suprise shoes - Thank you indeed.

Phew what a busy Miss...

Miss has been inundated, and I promise to get to you all real soon. The Japan scare has put everything back a little due to my father living right in the heart of the devestation.
However, I am resuming all of my duties properly as from today, get in contact for your telephone, webcam, TV session via email at missannaliezamail@yahoo.com.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Out and About...

Miss has been very very busy of late, but don't you little runts get to relaxed as I am back and hungry for some pig meat ;-)
I am attending Torture Gardens this weekend and Pedestal the following weekend - don't approach me without offering me a drink ;-) lol
See you soon mwah ha ha ha